Tamara loves to share her story. Not what she has done or accomplished but rather what God has and continues to do in and through her life. She has experienced many mountain-top experiences but also has spent some considerable time down deep in the valley. Her life consists of many twists and turns and she will immediately say that the Holy Spirit has been her guiding force even long before she made the decision to choose to follow Jesus Christ at the age of 20.
Tamara knows all too well the life-transforming and healing power of the Holy Spirit. In spite of a difficult past, overwhelming obstacles and immense loss in her life, she has and continues to be strengthened, healed, and victorious through the power of the Holy Spirit. Tamara has chosen to not allow neither her past nor her losses to define who she is but rather has chosen to trust the fact that her identity comes from Christ and what He says about who she is and holds true to His promises throughout His Word.
The greatest life-transforming decision she has ever made was to follow and serve Christ in 1991. From there she has and continues to serve Him throughout her adult life living a transformed life through Christ who has allowed her to accomplish so many amazing things, overcome horrendous obstacles and to fulfill many dreams and life goals. The following are but a few highlights of her past, current, and future dreams, in spite of overwhelming odds against her:
Placed in foster care at age 13;
Emancipated at 17 when foster mom passed away;
Put herself through college attending Portland State University receiving a Bachelors degree in Business and a minor in speech communications;
Worked in the Corporate world as a Corporate tax accountant;
Attended George Fox Evangelical Seminary pursuing an MA in Christian Education and Church leadership;
Served on staff at Portland Christian Center as the Early Childhood Children's Pastor;
Led and participated on many short-term missions trip;
Endured many painful losses in her life including the loss of her brother in the Iraq war and her father in a car collision;
Co-directed Kidz Romania national ministry team for thirteen years in Romania;
Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Intercultural studies at AGTS;
Currently preparing to expand ministry into Montenegro
Currently has many life goals she is pursuing (to run in a military marathon in honor of her brother who lost his life in Iraq war, learn Montenegrin language, complete Ph.D., pursue a dream to coach and mentor others who desire grow in personal development, and many more)
Tamara loves to weave her life story into God's grand narrative encouraging others to pursue Him no matter how difficult and challenging our life circumstances. She also has a passion to see others fulfill life goals and dreams.
"To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings."
- George Mueller​